together pilates and aerobics opened its first studio (now the private studio) in january of 2022 after two years online. together began online and will forever be indebted to its streamers.
every workout is recorded and released online shortly after.
the together team curates content of 5-30 minute workouts to keep you moving every day of the week.
commitment phobe? rent any workout from our library below
Working with Kate has changed the way I think about fitness— and made me learn how to actually enjoy it. Her unique and creative classes are geared towards all fitness levels and require minimal equipment— so you can do them no matter how “in” or “out of shape” you claim to be! She has been a bright light during this pandemic and is always a text away with inspiration, positivity, and a good laugh.
Kate is one of a kind.
Kate designs fitness programs with her head and her heart - she’s a master at her craft. Kate values her clients’ time - she delivers a challenging, inspired, and fun workout every time - online and in person.